30 Copywriting Portfolio Examples & How to Build Yours in 2024

copywriting portfolio

A copywriting portfolio is a must-have if you want to make a name for yourself in the copywriting profession. Today, we will cover copywriting portfolio examples and best practices, to help you stand out from the crowd.

As a copywriter, having an impressive portfolio is essential to stand out from the competition and showcase your skills and expertise. In 2024, the demand for high-quality content will only continue to increase, making it crucial to have a portfolio that reflects your abilities. Whether you’re a freelance copywriter or working for a company, a professional copywriting portfolio is your ticket to success.

Table of Contents

30 Copywriting Portfolio Examples & How to Build Yours in 2024

Copywriting Portfolio Examples & Tips
1. Neil Patel
Neil Patel’s portfolio showcases his diverse range of copywriting projects and highlights his expertise in digital marketing. Incorporate a variety of writing samples to demonstrate your skills.
2. Joanna Wiebe
Joanna Wiebe’s portfolio focuses on conversion copywriting, with case studies and examples of her successful projects. Tailor your portfolio to showcase your specialty and achievements.
3. Copyblogger
Copyblogger’s portfolio features blog posts, ebooks, and email campaigns, emphasizing their content marketing expertise. Include samples that align with the type of clients you want to attract.
4. Kaleigh Moore
Kaleigh Moore’s portfolio includes samples of her writing for SaaS companies, demonstrating her niche expertise. Highlight your niche and industry experience to attract targeted clients.
5. Henneke Duistermaat
Henneke Duistermaat’s portfolio showcases her engaging writing style and includes testimonials from satisfied clients. Incorporate client testimonials and endorsements to build credibility.
6. Jacob McMillen
Jacob McMillen’s portfolio features case studies and results-driven copywriting samples, illustrating his ability to generate tangible outcomes for clients. Focus on demonstrating the impact of your work.
7. Ashley Gainer
Ashley Gainer’s portfolio includes writing samples and blog posts that highlight her personality and unique voice. Infuse your portfolio with your personality to stand out from the crowd.
8. Ray Edwards
Ray Edwards’ portfolio showcases his expertise in persuasive copywriting and includes examples of his work for high-profile clients. Curate your best work and present it professionally.
9. Heather Lloyd-Martin
Heather Lloyd-Martin’s portfolio features case studies and client success stories, demonstrating her ability to drive results through effective copywriting. Use real-world examples to illustrate your skills.
10. Eddie Shleyner
Eddie Shleyner’s portfolio includes examples of his writing for well-known brands, showcasing his ability to create compelling content. Showcase your best work prominently.
11. Sarah Turner
Sarah Turner’s portfolio features writing samples and client testimonials, highlighting her versatility and client satisfaction. Tailor your portfolio to address the needs and preferences of your target clients.
12. Aaron Orendorff
Aaron Orendorff’s portfolio includes content samples and thought leadership pieces, positioning him as an authority in his field. Position yourself as an expert in your niche to attract high-quality clients.
13. Ashlyn Writes
Ashlyn Writes’ portfolio showcases her expertise in copywriting for creatives and entrepreneurs, with clear examples of her writing style and brand voice. Define your target audience and tailor your portfolio to appeal to them.
14. Amy Posner
Amy Posner’s portfolio includes writing samples and client testimonials, demonstrating her ability to deliver high-quality copywriting services. Highlight your unique selling proposition to differentiate yourself from competitors.
15. Kevin Carlton
Kevin Carlton’s portfolio features case studies and examples of his writing for various industries, showcasing his versatility and expertise. Showcasing a diverse range of work can attract clients from different sectors.
16. Brittany Berger
Brittany Berger’s portfolio includes writing samples and industry-specific content, demonstrating her expertise and understanding of her target audience. Tailor your portfolio to address the pain points and needs of your ideal clients.
17. Bob Bly
Bob Bly’s portfolio features a wide range of writing samples, from direct response copywriting to content marketing pieces, showcasing his extensive experience and versatility. Showcase your breadth of experience to appeal to a wide range of clients.
18. Laura Belgray
Laura Belgray’s portfolio includes examples of her writing for well-known brands, with a focus on humor and personality-driven content. Infuse your portfolio with your unique voice and style to make it memorable.
19. Stefanie Flaxman
Stefanie Flaxman’s portfolio features writing samples and tutorials, positioning her as an expert in writing and content creation. Provide valuable content and resources to demonstrate your expertise and attract potential clients.
20. Jacob Cass
Jacob Cass’s portfolio includes examples of his writing for branding and design projects, showcasing his ability to craft compelling brand narratives. Showcase your ability to tell stories and evoke emotions through your writing.
21. Hillary Weiss
Hillary Weiss’s portfolio features case studies and writing samples that highlight her strategic approach to copywriting and marketing. Showcase your ability to deliver results and drive business growth for your clients.
22. Sean D’Souza
Sean D’Souza’s portfolio includes case studies and testimonials, demonstrating his ability to solve clients’ problems through effective copywriting. Highlight the benefits and outcomes of your work to attract potential clients.
23. Rachel Foster
Rachel Foster’s portfolio features writing samples and client testimonials, emphasizing her ability to generate leads and drive conversions through persuasive copywriting. Focus on showcasing the ROI of your work.
24. Brittany Ryan
Brittany Ryan’s portfolio includes examples of her writing for tech companies and startups, showcasing her ability to simplify complex concepts and engage technical audiences. Tailor your portfolio to showcase your expertise in your target industry.
25. Derek Halpern
Derek Halpern’s portfolio features writing samples and case studies, demonstrating his ability to drive traffic and conversions through compelling content. Showcase your ability to generate measurable results for your clients.
26. April Dykman
April Dykman’s portfolio includes examples of her writing for finance and business publications, positioning her as an expert in her niche. Highlight your expertise and industry knowledge to attract clients in your target market.
27. Jennifer Havice
Jennifer Havice’s portfolio features case studies and writing samples, illustrating her ability to create engaging content that drives results. Use storytelling to showcase the impact of your work on clients’ businesses.
28. Danavir Sarria
Danavir Sarria’s portfolio includes examples of his writing for ecommerce and digital marketing, showcasing his ability to drive sales and conversions through persuasive copywriting. Showcase your ability to address clients’ pain points and drive business outcomes.
29. Lindsay Kolowich
Lindsay Kolowich’s portfolio features writing samples and blog posts, highlighting her expertise in inbound marketing and content creation. Position yourself as a thought leader in your field to attract high-quality clients.
30. Neville Medhora
Neville Medhora’s portfolio includes case studies and testimonials, demonstrating his ability to generate sales and revenue through effective copywriting. Showcase your track record of success to attract potential clients.

Key Takeaways:

  • A copywriting portfolio is a crucial tool for copywriters to showcase their work and attract clients.
  • In 2024, a strong portfolio will be even more important as the demand for high-quality content continues to grow.
  • Whether you’re a freelance copywriter or working for a company, a professional and creative copywriting portfolio will help you stand out from the crowd.
  • In this article, we’ll explore 30 inspiring copywriting portfolios and provide tips and best practices for building your own portfolio.

What is a Copywriting Portfolio and Why Do You Need One?

Thinking about 2024, more than ever we are in need of a strong copywriting portfolio. But what exactly is a copywriting portfolio and why do you need one?

A collection of the best writing work that an individual has done is generally referred to as a copywriting portfolio. It shows off their experience, skills and knowledge in order to persuade potential clients on hiring them.

Your calling card as a copywriter is your portfolio. It proves that you can write compelling copies which engage with the intended audience. This makes it difficult for one to showcase his/her works and attract new customers without having any samples.

Therefore, if you have serious intentions towards your career in copywriting then I recommend creating such a file for yourself because not only will it help differentiate yourself from other competitors but also bring more clients hence growing your business at large.

Unleash Your Creativity: Examples of Fantastic Copywriting Portfolios

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to create an amazing freelance copywriting portfolio, look no further! Here are 30 examples of portfolios from excellent freelance writers that will make your jaw drop!

What sets these apart? Creativity! Each one reflects the personality and style of its author through unusual text placements or quirky wording choices etcetera etcetera. Whether this is your first rodeo or you’ve been doing it for years there should be something here which inspires what could be possible in terms of design alone let alone content…

But I digress – here’s three which caught my eye as being particularly good:

CopywriterWebsiteWhy It Stands Out
Bob Smithwww.bobsmithcopy.comBob’s portfolio is sleek and professional, with a minimalist design that puts his writing front and center. His writing samples are well-organized and easy to navigate, with clear headlines that grab your attention.
Jane Doewww.janedoecopy.comJane’s portfolio is bursting with personality and humor. Her writing is clever and engaging, with a conversational tone that makes you feel like you’re chatting with a friend. Her portfolio also includes testimonials from happy clients, which adds to her credibility.
John Smithwww.johnsmithwrites.comJohn’s portfolio is visually stunning, with gorgeous images and typography that immediately draw you in. His writing samples are diverse, showcasing his ability to write for a variety of industries and audiences. He also includes case studies that demonstrate his impact on his clients’ businesses.

These are just a few examples of the creative copywriting portfolios out there. Each one is unique and reflects the copywriter’s personality and style. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through in your own portfolio!

If you’re feeling stuck, try brainstorming some unique ways to showcase your writing. Consider adding videos, infographics, or interactive elements to your portfolio to make it more engaging. Remember, your portfolio is your chance to show potential clients what you’re capable of.

Next up, let’s take a look at some tips and best practices for crafting a professional copywriting portfolio.

Crafting Your Copywriting Portfolio: Tips and Best Practices

As a professional copywriter, having a strong portfolio is essential to showcase your talent and attract potential clients. Your portfolio is a reflection of your skills and expertise, and it needs to be carefully curated to make a lasting impression.

Here are some tips and best practices to help you build a standout copywriting portfolio:

Include Your Best Work

Your portfolio should showcase your best and most relevant work. This means selecting pieces that highlight your writing skills and expertise in the industry or niche you want to work in. Choose pieces that demonstrate your ability to write different types of content, such as blog posts, email campaigns, website copy, social media posts, and more.

Organize and Structure Your Portfolio

Organizing your portfolio in a logical and easy-to-navigate way is crucial. Consider categorizing your work by industry or content type to help potential clients find what they’re looking for quickly. Use clear headings and subheadings, and make sure your portfolio has a consistent and professional look and feel.

Incorporate Client Testimonials and Case Studies

Client testimonials and case studies can add credibility and trust to your portfolio. Ask clients for feedback and permission to use their comments in your portfolio. Use case studies to showcase your problem-solving skills and demonstrate the impact of your work.

Showcase Your Range and Specializations

Highlight your range and specializations in your portfolio. Have you written for a variety of industries or niches? Do you have a particular skill or expertise that sets you apart? Make sure to showcase this in your portfolio to help potential clients understand what you can bring to the table.

Optimize Your Portfolio for SEO

Make sure your portfolio is optimized for search engines by using relevant keywords in your headings and throughout your content. This will help potential clients find you when searching for copywriting services online.

By following these tips and best practices, you can create a professional copywriting portfolio that showcases your talent, expertise, and unique value proposition. Remember to keep your portfolio updated and fresh, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats and designs to make it stand out from the crowd.

Showcasing Your Expertise: How to Highlight Your Skills and Specializations

As a copywriter, it’s crucial to demonstrate your expertise and showcase your skills in your portfolio. Not only does this help potential clients understand your unique selling propositions, but it also puts you ahead of the competition.

So, how do you effectively highlight your skills and specializations? Here are some tips:

1. Identify Your Areas of Expertise

Start by identifying your areas of expertise. What specific industries or niches do you excel in? What type of copywriting do you enjoy the most (e.g. email marketing, website copy, social media, blogs, etc.)? By having a clear understanding of your strengths, you can tailor your portfolio to showcase your best work in those areas.

2. Show, Don’t Tell

Instead of simply stating your skills and specializations, show them through your work samples. For example, if you specialize in writing website copy, include examples of website copy you’ve written that effectively communicates the brand message and encourages action from the reader. This approach demonstrates your abilities rather than simply listing them.

3. Provide Context

Along with your work samples, provide context on the project and your role in it. This helps potential clients understand the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Additionally, it shows your ability to work collaboratively and effectively with others.

4. Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition

What sets you apart from other copywriters? Perhaps it’s your ability to write in multiple languages, your experience working with international brands, or your expertise in writing for a specific demographic. Whatever it is, make sure to highlight it in your portfolio to set yourself apart from the competition.

By following these tips and showcasing your expertise in your copywriting portfolio, you’ll be well on your way to attracting more clients and landing exciting new opportunities.

The Power of Collaboration: Including Client Testimonials and Case Studies

As a copywriter, your portfolio is your ultimate sales pitch. It’s the best way to showcase your skills and expertise, and convince potential clients that you’re the right person for the job. While well-written samples of your work are undoubtedly essential, including client testimonials and case studies can take your portfolio to the next level.

Freelance and professional copywriting portfolios can significantly benefit from testimonials and case studies. Nothing speaks louder than satisfied clients, and a well-crafted case study can highlight the impact of your work in a tangible and exciting way. Testimonials can help establish your credibility, build trust, and demonstrate the consistent quality of your work.

How to Gather Testimonials and Case Studies

First, always seek permission from your clients before sharing their feedback or success stories. Explain that you’d like to feature their feedback in your portfolio and ask for their consent. Keep in mind that some clients may prefer to remain anonymous, so ensure you respect their privacy.

When asking for testimonials, encourage clients to be specific about their experience working with you. Ask them to provide details about the project, your communication, and the results achieved. You can also provide a list of questions to help guide their feedback and elicit more detailed responses.

For case studies, select projects that demonstrate a range of your skills and highlight your unique approach. Aim to provide a clear picture of the objective, the process, and the outcome achieved. Use data and metrics whenever possible to quantify your success.

When presenting testimonials and case studies in your copywriting portfolio, ensure that they are visually appealing and easy to read. Consider using pull quotes, infographics, or video testimonials to break up the text. Be sure to provide context around the project and clearly explain your role in its success.

Including testimonials and case studies in your freelance or professional copywriting portfolio is the ultimate proof of your capabilities. These powerful tools help differentiate you from the competition, build trust with potential clients, and ultimately lead to more business opportunities.

Designing an Impressive Digital Copywriting Portfolio

Welcome to the digital age, where everything is just a click away! As a professional copywriter, it’s crucial to have a digital copywriting portfolio that showcases your work in a visually appealing and user-friendly way. Let’s dive in and explore some essential elements to consider when designing your online portfolio.

Choose the Right Platform

Before you start designing your digital copywriting portfolio, you need to select the right platform that suits your needs. There are various options, including website builders like Wix or WordPress, or portfolio-specific platforms like Carbonmade or Behance. Find a platform that aligns with your design preferences and offers the flexibility to showcase your work effectively.

Keep It Clean and Simple

When designing your portfolio, remember to keep it clean and simple. Your work should be the star of the show, so avoid cluttered or distracting designs. Opt for a clean layout with easy-to-navigate sections that highlight your best work and expertise.

Showcase Your Personality

Copywriting is all about personality and voice, so make sure your portfolio reflects that. Use your homepage or “About Me” section to introduce yourself and provide insights into your writing style and values. Including a photo or video can also help establish a personal connection with potential clients.

Optimize for Mobile Responsiveness

With the majority of internet users accessing websites on their mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure your copywriting portfolio is mobile-responsive. Choose a platform that automatically adjusts to various screen sizes and test your portfolio on multiple devices to ensure a seamless user experience.

Showcase Your Best Work First

When it comes to your digital copywriting portfolio, first impressions matter. Showcase your best work first, and make sure it aligns with the type of work you want to attract. Group your work by category or industry to help potential clients navigate to their desired content quickly.

By incorporating these elements, you can create a digital copywriting portfolio that showcases your skills, expertise, and personality while standing out in a crowded field. Happy designing!

Building Your Copywriting Portfolio: Start Here and Skyrocket Your Career

So, you’re ready to take your copywriting career to new heights and build a portfolio that showcases your skills and expertise. Where do you start? Here are some essential steps to help you create a compelling copywriting portfolio:

Step 1: Select Your Best Work

Your portfolio is only as strong as the content you showcase. Take your time to go through your previous projects and select the pieces that best demonstrate your skills and range as a copywriter. Choose work that represents your ability to write for different industries, mediums, and audiences. Remember: quality over quantity.

Step 2: Optimize Your Portfolio for SEO

Make sure your portfolio is optimized for search engines by using relevant keywords in your copy and meta descriptions. This will help potential clients find you when searching for specific services or specialties. Avoid generic terms like “copywriter” and instead, use long-tail keywords that reflect your specific areas of expertise, such as “B2B copywriter” or “Tech content specialist.”

Step 3: Organize and Structure Your Portfolio

Your portfolio should be easy to navigate and showcase your work in a visually appealing way. Organize your pieces into categories, such as industry type or medium, and provide a brief overview of each project. Use a clean, simple layout that highlights your writing samples and allows potential clients to get a feel for your style and tone.

Step 4: Update and Refine Your Content

Your portfolio is a living document that should evolve as your career progresses. Regularly update your content by adding new projects, testimonials, and case studies. Refine your writing samples to reflect your current skill set and show potential clients that you’re always improving and growing as a writer.

Step 5: Customize Your Portfolio for Freelance or Professional Work

Depending on your goals and career path, you may want to create separate portfolios for freelance or professional work. If you’re a freelancer, showcase your ability to work on a variety of projects for different clients and industries. If you’re looking for a full-time position, highlight your experience working within a specific industry or company.

By following these steps and creating a strong copywriting portfolio, you’ll be able to showcase your skills and expertise to potential clients and employers, and take your career to new heights. Good luck!


Q: What is a copywriting portfolio?

A: A copywriting portfolio is a collection of your best written work that showcases your skills and expertise as a copywriter. It serves as a visual representation of your abilities and helps potential clients or employers understand your style, tone, and range of writing capabilities.

Q: Why do I need a copywriting portfolio?

A: Having a copywriting portfolio is essential because it allows you to demonstrate your skills and experience to potential clients or employers. It serves as a tangible proof of your abilities and can greatly increase your chances of landing new projects or job opportunities.

Q: How can a copywriting portfolio help me land more clients?

A: A copywriting portfolio can help you land more clients by showcasing your past work and demonstrating the quality and range of your writing. It provides potential clients with a clear idea of what they can expect from you and helps build trust and credibility.

Q: What should I include in my copywriting portfolio?

A: In your copywriting portfolio, you should include a variety of writing samples that highlight your skills and expertise. This can include website copy, blog posts, social media content, email campaigns, advertisements, and any other relevant projects that demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate and persuade through writing.

Q: How should I organize and structure my copywriting portfolio?

A: It’s important to organize and structure your copywriting portfolio in a way that is easy for potential clients to navigate and understand. Consider categorizing your work by industry or type of project, and make sure to provide clear descriptions or explanations for each sample to give context to the reader.

Q: What role do client testimonials and case studies play in a copywriting portfolio?

A: Client testimonials and case studies can greatly enhance your copywriting portfolio by providing social proof and illustrating the impact of your work. Including positive testimonials from satisfied clients and showcasing successful case studies can help build credibility and convince potential clients of your expertise and abilities.

Q: How should I design my digital copywriting portfolio?

A: When designing your digital copywriting portfolio, it’s important to create a visually appealing and user-friendly experience. Choose a clean and professional design that complements your writing style. Make sure your portfolio is mobile-responsive and accessible across different devices and browsers.

Q: How often should I update my copywriting portfolio?

A: It’s important to regularly update your copywriting portfolio to showcase your most recent work and keep it relevant. Aim to update it at least once every few months or whenever you complete a notable project. This shows potential clients that you are actively working and constantly improving your skills.

Q: Any final tips for building a copywriting portfolio?

A: Start by selecting your best work that truly represents your abilities and showcases a variety of writing styles. Optimize your portfolio for SEO by using relevant keywords and providing clear descriptions for each sample. Don’t be afraid to experiment and refine your portfolio as you grow as a copywriter. Stay motivated, keep writing, and never stop learning!

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