You have chosen a niche to start blogging, and now you are entirely ready to post updates regularly. There is only one thing you need to find out: what are you going to write about? Think about topics for articles.
Start with the big topics
Many bloggers mistakenly assume that they have to save certain subjects for later because otherwise the topics will get lost at a given moment. This is not necessary! Do not ever leave a subject in the beginning because you think it’s too general.
The basis of your topic is often what you know the most about, and this is the easiest to explain and write about. By starting with this, you are already getting into the zone, and you give the blog a good base.
If you blog about the housing market, you can best start with beginners articles where you explain what a mortgage is, how you sell a house and so on. In addition to helping you on your way, it provides you with a database of articles that are not only interesting for your readers but also give search engines the idea that you can find everything on your site.
Writing gives inspiration
Writing gives inspiration for new content. Once you are working on your first articles, you will notice that you almost automatically come up with other ideas.
An example: By writing about mortgages, you find out that the mortgage interest deduction topic deserves its own article. You also think that you can write a bit about some of the best mortgage lenders, or you suddenly remember that tool that allows people to calculate their mortgage costs.
In short: by writing about general topics within your niche, you quickly get inspiration for additional content.
To know what’s going on, it’s important to follow what others write about your subject regularly. ”
Write down everything
Not everything you think up will turn out to be a good idea for an article. Yet it is good to write down every subject you come to mind. Once you start writing out, you will automatically notice whether the article is worth the effort.
Inspiration cannot be planned. A new idea can come to mind at various moments. You do not always have the time to work out such an idea, but it is very wise if you try to make an annotation.
The more you write down, the better it is, because even half a day later, the details of a good idea may have already slipped away. If you really have little opportunity, you can always put a few keywords on your phone. Then you can at least pick up the idea fairly easily in a quieter moment.
In this article, we will give you some tips to help you quickly make an ‘on the go’ note of an idea for your blog.
Follow experts via social media and other channels.
You are most probably not the only one active in your blog niche. In order to know what is going on, it is essential to follow what others write about your subject regularly. An excellent way to do that is of course to follow websites within your niche. You can also set up a Google Alert for your subject so that you will be emailed daily with news items about your topic.
Also, be sure to follow well-known and lesser-known experts on your topic via social media.
Especially Twitter lends itself perfectly for this because for each subject you can compile an exciting list of people who regularly post news, interesting opinions and links to useful articles. We have written more about where you can find even more of these so-called ‘thought leaders.’
Where do you get inspiration from?
As many bloggers as there are, so many methods are there to come up with topics. We are therefore very curious where you as a blogger get your inspiration from. You can share your experiences in the comment section under this article.
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