How to Keep Your Car Secure

how to keep your car secure

Your car is likely to be one of the most expensive purchases you ever make, so you must keep it safe and protected from criminals. Unfortunately, vehicle theft is not uncommon, and the number of car thefts is increasing year on year. Having your car stolen will be a serious inconvenience and may leave you without a vehicle for weeks or longer. You may also be required to pay a hefty insurance premium or fork out large sums of money if you don’t have sufficient insurance coverage. 

Luckily, there are several simple ways to make your car more secure . Here are a few ideas:

Test your car alarm regularly 

Your car alarm system is one of the most effective deterrents against thieves. A sounding car alarm may scare off criminals and will also notify you that someone is attempting to break into your car. You must, therefore, test your car alarm regularly to check that it is operating correctly. However, you should keep in mind that an experienced car thief will be able to disarm a car alarm in a few minutes, and you may not hear it if your car is not parked nearby. Luckily, you can easily boost your car security by purchasing technology designed to make your vehicle alarm more effective. Experts at explain how car alarm accessories such as door poppers, motion sensors, and sirens can instantly improve the effectiveness of an alarm. 

Avoid leaving valuables in your car

A recent survey found that a massive 40% of vehicle owners leave valuables on display in their cars. Doing this is extremely risky, as it can attract potential criminals and entice them to break into your vehicle. For that reason, you should always avoid leaving valuables in your car, especially those on display. Anyone walking past your car window can look in and see what’s inside. With this in mind, you must always remember to take sat navs, handbags, and any other items that could attract criminals into your home or another secure location when you leave your car. You should also avoid leaving important documents, such as car insurance policies and ID, in your car, as they could be used for fraudulent purposes if stolen. 

Park your car in a secure location 

Some locations attract a far higher vehicle theft rate than others. You should be aware of the risks and minimize your chances of becoming a victim of car theft by keeping your vehicle in the most secure location possible. At home, keep your car in a locked garage to make it more difficult for criminals to view and access your vehicle. If you don’t have a garage, try to keep your car parked on a driveway as close to your home as possible. When you need to leave your vehicle in a car park, i.e., when visiting a food store or shopping center, choose a space that is well-lit and has lots of other cars nearby. Ideally, you should only leave your vehicle in car parks with CCTV systems in place. You must also make sure that your car is securely locked whenever you leave it unattended.